The game SpeedMehc
Principles to create and manage an APP on Android
In this section I will try to explain and summarize everything you need to create, publish and manage an Android app yourself. The first thing, how could it be otherwise, is to install Android Studio to be able to develop it, in it you can program in Java, a language…
The Sun at its zenith blinds my eyes, I watch the flight of the libertine birds stunned and I envy them, a mission has been entrusted to me, a madness has been assigned to me, I walk through the barren field studying and noting what I see, the Sun calls…
Nikola Tesla, the great inventor and father of progress
The society we know and live would not be so advanced without the ingenious Nikola Tesla, but who knows if we could already be living on other planets, having let the great Nikola Tesla give free rein to his visionary mind. Many people don’t know this great name and, nevertheless,…